Welcome To B.A.R. Industries
Business And Robotics
We Raise The Bar For Your Business!
B.A.R. Meetings
August 08, 2017
Today, our teams brainstormed ideas for the upcoming competition. For example, what the course may be or look like, what the robot must be designed to do, and how we would incorporate the theme and course of the competition into our booth.
Team Ideas:
Our presentation team worked on a template.
Our booth/ design team worked on brainstorming possible props to include inside the booth. This included a fire pole, a stuffed “fire dog” and creating an artificial fire that would be extinguished by artificial water.
Our build team talked about the potential use of wooden parts and tools.
August 09, 2017
Teams talked about upcoming fundraisers and ways to interact with our community, for community service: maybe even a visit to local schools to tell them about our robotics team.
August 10-11, 2017
Today, the robotics team as a whole reviewed fractions and did various problems to refresh our memories for when we measure wood and parts for our booth or robot.
August 16, 2017
The team reviewed the newest and older teaser videos concerning competition and brainstormed how the course and obstacles may be, involve, or look like. We also discussed community outreaches and visits to our elementary schools to teach them about our team and website.
August 25, 2017
Today, we discussed creating a social experiment to test on our peers around DCHS.
August 28-31
Our team spent the week cleaning up the art room and discussing the upcoming kick-off day and competition.
September 1-15
Our team worked on projects around our school, like our garden. A couple of students also worked on a video to submit to WCCS entitled UrKeys2Drv.
September 22, 2017
(Day of Kick- Off)
Today our team traveled to WCCS to intake the data needed for the upcoming competition.
Kick-Off Notes
Put out fire and and save people (using ping- pong balls).
Every color solo cup will be out in the same area.
You can only shoot your color solo cup. If any other color is knocked down, then the team which the color belongs to receives credit for it.
The spotter can adjust robot during the match.
Transport “hazardous” cans and neatly organize then in a box.
Save the mannequin and touch the buzzer.
The robot can only go into its own zone.
Ping pong balls represent water.
Interior- fire zone
Exterior- cold zone
September 27, 2017
Five robotics team members traveled to WCCS to attend the UrKeys2Drv PSA gathering, where we submitted a commercial about safe driving.
September 28, 2017
Teams split up and brainstormed ideas and reviewed previous competition scores.
Business Meeting
Get a fire truck and firefighter to visit out school for a tour.
Interviewing build team members and recording it into the notebook.
Practice presentation to community leaders, this would be a part of incorporating our community into our project.
Booth ideas
Create video game to include inside the booth.
Incorporating the robot to do tasks and demonstrate what the robot can do.
Making our booth more creative, opposed to recent ideas that were thought to be simple or basic in previous competitions.